Century Theatre Guild

Century Theatre Guild (CTG) is a member of the Association of Community Theatres, Central Ontario (ACT-CO), and is open to anyone interested in participating in theatre, whether on stage, in technical roles, or behind the scenes.
The Guild offers training opportunities to work with experienced practitioners in all aspects of theatre, and most of all, FUN! Membership costs $15 per year for adults (renewable each September) and is free to anyone still in school.
CTG has no paid staff or officers. It is run by a Board of Directors elected each spring at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
CTG presents four (4) shows each season, usually a comedy, a mystery, drama, or dramedy and a traditional English pantomime. Each year, we usually enter two (2) productions in the ACT-CO Festival. We have won, and been nominated for, a number of THEA awards including Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Sound Design, Best Stage Manager, Best Director, Best Stage/Music Director, Best Costume Design, Best Ensemble Work, and Best Producer.
The Board of Directors
Erin Arts Foundation 2023–2024
Neville Worsnop
Peter King
Past President
Brigida Scholten
Director Front-of-House/ Volunteer Coordinator/Box Office Administrator
Louise Burns
Director Marketing and Communications/ Recording Secretary/ ACT-CO Representative
Angie Sapalovski
Director Plays and Program Coordinator/ Building Management
Director/Box Office Administrator
Ernest Scholten
Director Technical Services/Box Office Administrator
Julie Docherty
Director Community Outreach and Engagement
If you are interested in finding out more about the Century Theatre Guild, please contact us at (519) 855-4586 or through our email at: centurychurchtheatre100@gmail.com